Ad Customizers for Dynamic Location Text in Ads

One of the challenges national businesses have is getting the confidence of users to understand that goods and services can be provided to their location. If you’re a local business it’s easy, but even at the local level there may be users who prefer to see an ad that shows a company “in” their city or area.

One growth hack trick to match users’ search location and show an ad with a dynamic location inserted, is to use ad customizers for “Target location”. There are various targeting abilities but we’ll focus on using a text field to populate in your ads when the right search location matches.

Dynamically Show Local Geo Locations

As you can see in the example above, the advertisement is showing an ad to a user in the Bucks County PA area where a specific city didn’t match in the feed. The county level location setting used acts as a “catch-all” to ensure something local shows if someone searches in an area where there isn’t a city to show. Adding every city in America is near impossible but you can cover them locally with a county or state to help in a rare case when a user doesn’t match something on your list.

This feed shows all the available cities to show when “Target location” is matches to the users search location. If the user was identified by google as being located in Abington, PA then the text would have read “| Abington Area”

The way the ad is setup is to call the name of the file in “business data” settings, then the column header to select from to match a row with the user location. You can use any text to show brands, promo’s, or anything that could need to be dynamically shown to different users depending on where they are searching. Here’s an example of how the ad setup looks (see dynamic fields in headline 3) – note: the preview doesn’t show the location in Google but the live ads will. Be sure to test a few to make sure they show correctly.

Great for Local or National Ads

If your a national brand, you can show users that you ship fast to “The {…} Area” with location customizers, at scale, so using one ad you can cover 10’s of thousands of cities to populate the city names and compete with those infamous Yelp and local competitor ads.

Local advertisers who cover a larger area, can populate cities or points of interests, airports, and more to help users identify with a hyper-local service where location really matters.

Hey, Amazon isn’t the only one who can ship in 2-3 days, but you may choose to only show that shipping option when your ups ground isn’t going across the states for example.

Create in Google and Import to Bing

Yes they are exactly the same. Microsoft ads provides instructions that call for adding (text) after your column name, but it seems if you copy and paste accounts from Google to Bing the feed will be automatically added and approved within minutes.

If you are looking to get some advise in setting these up, give us a shout, we’re always happy to share free optimization tips with anyone.